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    Monday, October 26, 2009

    Week 2: Denim Storm

    All told, this week I listened to less music than most. Which is what led me to this new idea;

    Total Plays:

    Which will allow me to more easily compare listening habits from week to week. I didn't think of it last week, so we can start now. So with that in mind, let's take a peak at this weeks leader-board:

    So the big story this week is Melvins. I've been listening to a lot of Melvins, and I'd wager that's not too likely to stop any time soon. I have a few selections from Houdini and Nude with Boots that I downloaded, as well the full copies of Gluey Porch Treatments, Ozma and Stoner Witch. So if any of you know Melvins, you know I have pretty much the lions share of their output from the last 20 years yet to listen to. Plus, this shit is just so damned thick that regardless of the songs themselves, you wanna listen to 'em just to hear that guitar crunch.

    Other than that, Silkworm and Xiu Xiu both gained some plays this week, and we can see Shellac overtake Bob Marley & the Wailers, who are likely to fall further down the list as the winter sets in, and it's less conducive to sitting outside, gettin' right, and listening to reggae. There's just something that seems so inappropriate about sitting indoors, curling up in front of a fire with a nice mug of cocoa and listening to Natty Dread, or Babylon by Bus (the two albums I've been most into this past year).

    If we look at the top artists from the last seven days, we can see just how far and ahead Melvins truly are, as well as getting a glimpse of another up-and-comer whose new album I bought this week, Flight of the Conchords.

    Now for the full top-artists list:

    Regarding the top-songs list, as you can see here, Odd Nosdam shoots even further into the lead. As I mentioned last week, this is the result of all the tracks on his album being untitled, and since I listened to the album this week, it shoots it up even further. I think I will likely re-title the songs, if only so I can start to learn the album a lil better, and to cut down on Odd Nosdams cheeky #1 title.

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